My Body is Mine!

Each year we have the privilege to go into the schools and speak with every kindergartner, first grader, and second grader in Eddy and Lea County. We hope to give them a few tools to use just in case someone ever tries to treat them in a way that's not okay.
Unfortunately, child sexual and physical abuse is a real thing, and although we don't believe it's the child's job to protect themselves, we do believe it is important for them to know they have rights.
We'd like to share a little about our kindergarten My Body is Mine! program so you can make an educated decision on whether or not your child should sit in on our presentation. And, we hope that you decide to let them because every year one or two children disclose child abuse immediately after our program. Oftentimes, parents have no idea that abuse is occurring; because, just like us, children don't know what they don't know - so how can they know to tell, it they haven't been told that they can tell?
We've been delivering the My Body is Mine! program in schools since 1998. It's changed a tiny bit, but not much, because the message is clear - There are body safety rules that everyone needs to follow and if they are not followed kids should get help!

This big book reading is done with your children while they sit in a circle around the our prevention staff member.

It's a story about two kids and their questions about body safety rules - here they are - the only people who ever need to see or touch our private parts are people who are taking care of us:
- They may help us get dressed or go to the bathroom when we're little
- We may need help to put medicine on our private parts
- And doctors and nurses need to check us to make sure our body is healthy
Nobody else needs to. And we each get to decide when we no longer need help from people who take care of us.

We talk with the children about who they can talk to if they do need help.
Oftentimes the list includes family members, teachers, bus drivers, school counselors, doctors, and police. We remind them that “My Body is Mine”, and each one of us should be respectful of other people's bodies. And if someone breaks a body safety rule - it is not their fault. They need to get help!
Children will also get their own copy of the My Body is Mine! book to take home and share with their family!

Preview the Story!
Why is this prevention program so important?
Some children are never told about their rights to body safety rules, not because adults don't care about them, but because adults don't want to think that something bad could ever happen to their children. Unfortunately, over 400 children were seen at our Cavern City and Lea Co Child Advocacy Centers last year for suspected child abuse. Child abuse happens, and we want all kids to have the skills that they need to get help.
If you have additional questions please contact us using the "How Can We Help?" button below..
If you feel this program is just not for you, please complete the OPT OUT form below or give your child's school a direct call and ask to speak with the school counselor.