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Trauma Counseling Services
Counseling Types
Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy, TF-CBT
Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy, TF-CBT address the mental health needs of children, adolescents and families suffering from the destructive effects of early trauma.
When It's Used
TF-CBT was originally geared towards helping children who were victims of sexual abuse, but its scope has widened to include children and adolescents who have experienced a single or repeated experience of sexual, physical or mental abuse or who have developed post traumatic symptoms, depression or anxiety.
Trauma Focused-Integrated Play Therapy, TF-IPT
Trauma Focused-Integrated Play Therapy, TF-IPT utilizes a combination of directive and non-directive approaches in the therapeutic playroom to explore post traumatic play.
When It's Used
TF-IPT is relationship-based and utilizes principles of child-centered play therapy in order to: Allow children (ages 6-12). to self-direct; Give children an experience of control and mastery; and permit children to access natural healing mechanisms such as post-trauma play. By giving children opportunities to work in a permissive setting, clinicians observe and document how children utilize gradual exposure, gain an understanding of traumatic experiences, discharge affect, and begin to manage experiences that feel overwhelming or frightening.
Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention, CFTSI
The goal of Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention, CFTSI is to decrease post-traumatic stress reactions and onset of PTSD by increasing communication and family support.
When It's Used
CFTSI is a brief (5-8 session), evidence-based early intervention for children (ages 7-18) that reduces traumatic stress reactions and the onset of PTSD. CFTSI is implemented within 30-45 days following a traumatic event or the disclosure o physical or sexual abuse. CFTSI is used successfully with children with extensive trauma histories.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, EMDR
Through Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, EMDR, clients are able to reprocess traumatic information until it is no longer psychologically disruptive.
When It's Used
EMDR is a non-invasive, evidence-based method of psychotherapy that helps victims of all ages recover from the effects of psychological trauma through adaptive information processing. EMDR therapy is an eight-phase trauma treatment that comprehensively identifies and address experiences that have overwhelmed the brain's natural resilience or coping capacity, thereby generating traumatic symptoms and/or harmful coping strategies.
Alternatives for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, AF-CBT
Improve the relationships between children and caregivers in families involved in arguments, frequent conflict, physical force/discipline, child physical abuse, or child behavior problems.
When It's Used
AF-CBT is designed to work with a broad range of families engaged in verbal and/or physical aggression. A family with any of the following may be eligible for AF-CBT: 1) A family or caregiver and child who experience frequent conflicts, arguments, angry feelings, or explosiveness. 2) A caregiver who uses or has used harsh physical force or discipline, or worries about doing something that could injure/hurt a child, or has a history of physical or emotional abuse involving one of his/her children. 3) A child (5-17 years old) who exhibits challenging behaviors such as not listening, fighting, hard to manage, or who shows trauma symproms related to 1) or 2).
Parent Child Interaction Therapy, PCIT
PCIT is an evidence-based treatment program designed for caregivers and their young children (2-7 years old) who are experiencing social, behavioral, and/or emotional difficulties.
When It's Used
PCIT is regarded by national expert panels as a gold standard treatment for children who have any of the following challenges:
- Frequent temper tantrums - Defiance- refusing to follow directions
- Verbal and/or physical aggression - Destruction of toys and/or family belongings
- Backtalk or sassing adults - Whining or crying for no apparent reason
- Constantly seeking attention - Hyperactivity - Interrupting others
- Short attention span - Difficulty with behaviors at school, preschool, and/or daycare
Practice Self-Regulation, PS-R
For adolescent sexual health for prevention of youthful sexual harm, infection and disease and teen pregnancy. Helps young people recognize and restructure thoughts, regulate emotions and physiological reactions, and change behavior.
When It's Used
The purpose of PS-R is to support youth impacted by adverse childhood experiences in decision-making that promotes health and well-being. It is a trauma-informed model, grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience that reaches participants to put past trauma in a new light, manage emotions in healthy ways, and take steps toward achieving life goals.
By increasing knowledge about health and the personal impact of trauma, participants are encouraged and supported in practicing self-regulation. PS-R addresses motivation for change to decrease problem behavior, manage impulsivity, negotiate, and become the person they want to be.
Seeking Safety for Adolescents- GROUP
A present-focused, coping skills group therapy for adolescents to help attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse.
When It's Used
An open group that is 26 weeks in duration. The group utilizes the treatment topics from Seeking Safety for adolescents, as well as incorporates Dialectical Behavior Therapy-informed skills. Each weekly group will focus on a specific skill/topic. Adolescents who have experienced trauma or are at risk for developing (or demonstrate) risky behaviors are the target population.
The group aims to: Reduce trauma and/or substance abuse symptoms; Increase safe coping in relationships; Increase safe coping in thinking; Increase safe coping behaviors; and Increase safe coping in emotions.
Brain in the Palm of the Hand
Teaching kids emotional regulation or how to calm down when they are upset takes time and practice. One great way to teach this idea is through Dr. Daniel Siegel's Brain in the Palm of Hand model. This empowers kids to be aware of the part of the brain that takes over when they are upset, and the important part that is accessible when they are calm. It teaches them to talk about where their brain is at and how they are feeling in the moment, as a first step to getting regulated and back in control. With practice, this grows more of the neurological loops that are needed to strengthen executive functioning and self-control.
Adolescent Brains